
  • Clinical Psychologist

    $250 per 50 minute appointment.

    ($260 from July 1st 2024)

  • Registered Psychologist

    $210 per 50 minute appointment.

    ($220 from July 1st 2024)

  • Medicare Rebates

    If you have a Mental Health Care Plan from a GP, you will be eligible for a Medicare rebate for up to 10 sessions each year.

    Rebates are $137.05 per session with a Clinical Psychologist, or $93.35 per session with a Registered Psychologist.

    (From July 1st, these rebates will increase to $141.85 for a Clinical Psychologist and $96.65 for a Registered Psychologist.)

  • Private Health Care

    Private health fund rebates may also be applicable, although they cannot be used in conjunction with the Medicare rebate.

    Please check with your private health fund to confirm your entitlements.

Please note our fees will increase by $10 per session from July 1st 2024.

From this date, our appointment fee will be $260 for Clinical Psychologists, and $220 for Registered Psychologists.

From this date, the Medicare rebates will also increase to $141.85 for a Clinical Psychologist and $96.65 for a Registered Psychologist.